As a school, we have managed to produce excellent results academically and non-academically and this has been evidenced by several national, regional, and international awards received. These include;
- Best E.C.D model Centre in district and province 2015-2016, by Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, Provincial Merit Awards
- 100% grade 7 results 2014-2016 by Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, Provincial Merit Awards
- Well maintained Group Of schools 2013-2016 Provincial Merit Awards
- Award Winner of Social Responsibility Excellence (Harare Metropolitan Province
- 1st runner-up Company of the year 2016-2017 by the Standards Association of Zimbabwe.
- The Group of Schools from E.C.D to High School 2017 by Business Leadership Awards.
- 2nd place Instrumental Ensemble Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod Wales, UK. 2016- 2017
- Junior School Secretary Bell Award 2019
The above reflects some areas in which our institution has been recognised for exhibiting excellence. We have continued to raise the flag not only for our school or just country but for the whole continent of Africa at Llangollen International Musical Festival. This has become one of our annual events open to all learners from ECD to Senior school for exposure and growth.